
Greyforest ::: Flickity Gallery Plugin

Version: 1.0
Requires: 4.0
Tested Up To: 4.8
Last Updated: Sep 14, 2024

  • description
  • installation
  • frequently asked questions
  • screenshots
  • changelog
  • upgrade notice
  • a brief markdown example


This plugin adds an easy way to insert galleries of masonry-formatted or touch-enabled slideshow capabilities.

All that is required is the ID of a Youtube video, taken from the end of the URL, after the "v=" section.



To insert a new gallery, click the shortcode button in the editor labeled "Youtube Gallery - New Gallery"

Code: [youtubegallery_newgallery featuredvideo_id="" columns="" filters=""][youtubegallery_endgallery]

  • featuredvideo_id = The ID of the main gallery starting video
  • columns = Column count for the grid (1, 2, 3, 4, or 5)
  • filters = A comma-separated list of video "types" that you can use to filter the thumbnails in the gallery grid (NOTICE: Do not include spaces between filters) ** Example: tutorial,tip,concert,interview


To add videos to the gallery, place the text cursor before the [youtubegallery_endgallery] section, and click the shortcode button in the editor labeled "Youtube Gallery Thumbnail"

Code: [youtubegallery_thumbnail id="" title="" filter=""]

  • id = The ID of the Youtube video you're adding
  • title = A short title for the video
  • filter = The video type that matches one of the filters you created in the "New Gallery" section


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress

frequently asked questions

A question that someone might have

An answer to that question.

What about foo bar?

Answer to foo bar dilemma.


  1. Two buttons are added to the visual editor to quickly insert the shortcodes into a post or page.
  2. These are the shortcodes, one for a simple item with one price, and one for an item with multiple variations.
  3. An example of filled in shortcodes.
  4. The output is a simple button or button + select dropdown, easily styled with your own CSS.



  • Fixed ability to filter videos by type.


  • Added ability to filter videos by type.
  • Added new "filter" shortcode attribute.


  • Addition of automatic updates API.
  • Publicly served from Greyforest servers now.


  • Created plugin.

upgrade notice


Upgrade to version 1.3 fixes issues with filtering videos by type.


Upgrade to version 1.2 allows for filtering videos by type.


Upgrade to version 1.1 allows for all future updates to occur automatically.


Upgrade notices describe the reason a user should upgrade. No more than 300 characters.

a brief markdown example

Ordered list:

  1. Some feature
  2. Another feature
  3. Something else about the plugin

Unordered list:

  • something
  • something else
  • third thing

Here's a link to WordPress and one to Markdown's Syntax Documentation. Titles are optional, naturally.

        "Markdown is what the parser uses to process much of the readme file"

Markdown uses email style notation for blockquotes and I've been told:

Asterisks for emphasis. Double it up for strong.

<?php code(); // goes in backticks ?>